
Jaype Menorca fencing installations

Keep everything contained with all the types of fencing that you can choose from in our warehouse. Not only are we happy to advise and install all the necessary material from the very beginning if you so wish, we’ll also give you tips on how to contain your specific area. And with no need to build dry-stone walls like the ones we see all over Menorca.

  • Garden fencing. Gain privacy, enhance the area and contain your property with garden fencing. We stock a wide range, from typical wire-torsion mesh fencing to cane, briar, bamboo, artificial hedging, synthetic bamboo etc. Just tell us where you want to install it and we’ll do the rest!
  • Pool fencing. Ensuring safety, particularly with young children at home, is a major priority. That’s why it’s important to choose the right fencing: practical for adults and safe for children.
  • Electric fencing. Border your property to contain all animals, whether it is livestock or family pets. An electric fencing system ensures that they cannot escape and stray.
  • Metallic fencing. Ideal for football pitches, tennis courts, sports areas of all types, school playgrounds, etc. All fun is safely contained, and so are balls.